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The Chip Board Archive 09

AC Tropicana Update

I spoke with the man in charge of the chip program at the AC Tropicana today. In short, he said...

  • he would talk with the pit people in charge at the next release to try and improve customer relations
  • thinks a 1:00 release time is better than 12:00 because it's too hard to get the chips out for a 12:00 release when they are opening the tables at 12:00
  • thinks 5 per person is fair to everyone - based on input he has received from other chip collectors
  • might come down to the next to release to see what is going on, and
  • finally, does NOT care if I ask other people to buy me chips as long as they are NOT playing a game at the time I ask them. Translation - Don't go and pull someone off a craps table, but anyone standing around or walking by is OK to ask. Asking 10 people to buy chips is no different than showing up with 10 people.

I would call this a step in the right direction.


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AC Tropicana Update
Management 101
Re: AC Tropicana Update

Copyright 2022 David Spragg