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The Chip Board Archive 09

Re: Lake Tahoe and Harrah's Experts!

In this photo (Steve Blust posted it a few days back) you can see George's Gateway Club. Harrah built the "Lake" club on that property. It was a two level place - you came into the lower level from the parking lot in back and had to go up a set of stairs to get up to the street level part. You can see the Harvey's Wagon Wheel a little further down the road. I don't know what happened to Dopy Norman's - it is between George's and the state line. Harrah's was right on the State line when I started going up there in 1962. Perhaps they tore it down when they widened and paved the street going off to the left.


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Lake Tahoe and Harrah's Experts!
I just tore my closet apart...
Re: Lake Tahoe and Harrah's Experts!
Re: Lake Tahoe and Harrah's Experts!
Re: Lake Tahoe and Harrah's Experts!
Good Stuff! Thanks For The Info vbg

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