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The Chip Board Archive 09

Please Read! Final? SlotCardAuction Update

This will probably be the last update before the convention. Although I still have about 600 cards to list, ALL of the donors have been listed.

I do not expect to receive any additional cards via the USPS, but I will gladly accept cards that are dropped off at the Building Fund table. Hopefully the volume of cards that are donated via the BF table will enable us to top the 2,000 card mark.

Here are a few trivia tidbits:
48 donors contributed 1,755 items (for this purpose, I counted husband/wives/significant others as a single donor)
Donations came from 18 different states
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
Total cost of postage to send the cards to me $74.20
The membership numbers of the donors ranged from 1 to 5995

In honor of all the donors, I will be making a $100 donation to the building fund while I am at the convention. Of course the incentives offered for a $100 donation during the convention have nothing to do with this decision vbg

Finally, I would like to publically thank everyone who contributed.

I will be at the Building Fund table on Saturday from 10am until noon. Please stop by and say hello.

Now all we need is for people to bid on this auction with a reckless abandon grin grin grin grin grin Dig deep as it is for a good cause. I view this as perhaps our greatest legacy--a permanent tribute to the collectibles (and the history of those collectibles) that give all of us so much pleasure.
My Very Best Regards,

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Messages In This Thread

Please Read! Final? SlotCardAuction Update
Re: Please Read! Final? SlotCardAuction Update
Re: Nice Job Murph!!!!!!
Thanks for the BIG effort Murph! vbg
Thanks for the BIG effort Murph! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg