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The Chip Board Archive 09

Norweigian Intelligence(Campiglia Guy)

OK, now there is a contradiction of terms. From now until the convention is over us Norweigians will take the heat. We were built for slurs and innuendoes...most fly right by us...we don't get them, so we are easy to mess with. When I saw the thing about "guinea tees", I thought they would look nice on our chickens in the winter. I just don't see why one issue can be this important. We are Norweigians and one of our National Mottos is, "Smart Don't Count For Much." We live by it and several others that don't make too much sense. Another that we have been borrowing from the Finn's for so long that the origin is blurred is, "First I think, What The Heck, Then I think, OH!!!" Now, that should make perfect sense to everyone. If you don't get it than I am not going to try and explain it to you.If you happen to live around Duluth, Minnesota, you KNOW!!. One thing us Norsk's and, even the Finn's know is that we understand that having a few drinks in conjunction with fun and friendship may result in someone being the butt of a joke...It is not meant to be viscious(check the spelling on that, that word is not in the Norsk dictionary)It should not result in one person being told to "Go to Hell." Although, my wife has told me that on a couple of ocassions and I was looking forward to the trip!!

Last week our "Uncle Weasel" died. He was not Norsk, but married in. We loved him for what he was, Just "Shanty Irish." Had a few potatos when he got here but built a Potato empire.Now, there was smart..SHOWED US ALL UP!!

Then, right after, Uncle Oscar died...Now there was the Norweigians Norweigian...Crooked as the day was long. Some said loveable, but his wife said way different. When he was at the Funeral Home we went to look at him. One Cousin looked at him in his casket, and said, Vell, he sure does look good." Another cousin said, "Vell, he ought to, he just got out of the hospital!!"

A Day later his brother was there right before the funeral and uttered the same sentiment about him looking so well. His wife was nearby and said, "Vell, Christ, he ought to, he hasn't had a drink in 4 Days!!" THe Funeral was over and we got to the cemetary and we got him out of the coffin and spent the rest of the day screwing him into the ground as crooked as he was!!

Come on people, lighten up, don'ty over analyze it..LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO AGONIZE OVER A "Guinea tee." ISN'T IT??????????

Us Norsk's have been taking it for years, and so has the everybody else, if you can't laugh, you have LOST SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL.


Messages In This Thread

Norweigian Intelligence(Campiglia Guy)
Re: Norweigian Intelligence(Campiglia Guy)
Makes sense to me too, Mark. rofl
Re: Makes sense to me too, Mark. (NCR) rofl
Re: Makes sense to me too, Mark. (NCR) rofl
Re: sad Blech! (I don't like fish, anyway!)
Re: What the heck????? sad
Re: OH!! vbg
Re: OH!! vbg
Re: OH!! vbg
Re: OH!! vbg
Re: OH!! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg