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The Chip Board Archive 09

Hey Murph... Can you tell me what
In Response To: A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N ()

it means when someone says they are a part of the "Kruse" or "Pardue" family of the building fund??? Guess I must have missed that whole thing. Thanks for any info you can give me!
P.S. I am driving my wife crazy by asking if it is time for the convention yet! I feel your "pain"......

Messages In This Thread

Hey Murph... Can you tell me what
In da begin'n.....
Ya Boss... Papa Kruse is my ccgtcc leader
Thanks, Jim...Now I know grin
Re: In da begin'n.....
Hey, Brien.
You have a good point, Murph! EOM
Murph - ya know I love ya like a brother...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg