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The Chip Board Archive 09

Vegas in 6 Days - Yippee!!!!

Well, Having booked my vacation well in advance, and before I knew the convention dates even, I'm off to Vegas on Sunday. 4 Days just me and my wife, and then the rest of the family fly out, including our daughter, for a week's family vacation (i.e. not so much gaming, more laying by the pool!).

I'll have lots of traders, mostly £1 and £5, some fractionals, some Hard Rock chips (including roulettes) - in fact I'll be at the London HR tomorrow night, so if anyone wants any pins or other stuff that they sell in the gift shop let me know. I also have a couple of Westcliff Millennium £5 chips left (3 to be exact). OK, that's the end of the sales (trade) pitch!

I will be in Vegas for 1 1/2 days of the convention, flying back Thursday afternoon, so if anyone wants to trade for UK chips at the Wednesday trade session (I particularly collect UK chips, but also Nevada and AC - lots of obsoletes and roulettes I still need!) or if anyone knows which dealers will have any UK chips at their stands on Thursday morning then please let me know, as I won't have time to browse them all!

Look forward to seeing lots of faces to match to the names I know from the board - apart from Ross and Gene, I've stayed anonymous to most of the people who post here (well it is an 11 hour flight!).

If anyone desperately wants to trade before the convention, I'll be staying at the Paris Sunday to Thursday (the 19th) - better gaming & comps - and then at the Monte Carlo until Thursday 26th - better pool area! Just give me a call and if I'm about, we can have a drink and trade! I'll be checking my emails up to Saturday morning (my time, which is Friday night for most of you) before leaving for the airport, so drop me an email if you want to arrange something!

Another 5 minutes closer, not that I'm counting!!!!


Messages In This Thread

Vegas in 6 Days - Yippee!!!!
Lots of UK chips for trade at the Convention

Copyright 2022 David Spragg