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The Chip Board Archive 09

26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to know...

What are you looking forward to the most? Now their are some things that are a given like seeing old friends and making new ones. Be selfish in your response and what you want to do or see. So lets hear them!

Mine: Nothing like it in the world riding in my buddy Stu's new Caddy, at night on the Strip, heading to the best Italian joint in Vegas that has been around since the Ratpack days. (name escapes me) Something I am very much looking forward too! grin

Messages In This Thread

26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to know...
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
I'm looking forward to...
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
in the Caddy! vbg
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Ed..I believe the name of that Italian place is
Re: 26 Days til the Big Show! grin So I want to kno
Andy..... grin
Re: Sorry...
Re: Sorry...
Re: The WORBIRD... long as you...
Re: long as you...
Re: The WORBIRD...
Stu in a Mini Cooper???
Oh My!!!! vbg Can you imagine that!
Re: Oh My!!!! vbg Can you imagine that!
Re: Oh My!!!! vbg Can you imagine that!
Re: Oh My!!!! vbg Can you imagine that!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg