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The Chip Board Archive 09

Mark Erickson "Speaking of Owls" NCR


I like the OWL chips you have been showing in your posts. I collect owl figurines, paintings, lamps, giant size owls to stand on the door way and other forms including posters and wood carving. I have been fascinated by the owl since I was a kid in the Abuyog, Leyte (Philippines) At first we got scared and would ran away then later we took flashlights into the woods at night. When the owls make the sound we spot light them how we loved to tease the owl and would mimic the sound too, the only bird that we never slig-shot

There are 8 species of owls in the Philippines and there are thousands all over the world. Each country has specific owls and make sound differently from the other areas.

There is a website just for the owls with their pictures and sounds. I spent a night just 'going all over the world looking and hearing owls'.

I hope I did not bore you and the other readers in this board, if I did then you are not a "night owl", PARDON ME!!!!!

To those who collect owls if you are interested to trade you can email me, I don't have an "owl chip" yet.

Leonidas ....."down the slippery slope".

Messages In This Thread

Mark Erickson "Speaking of Owls" NCR
Thanks For The Post Leonidas! grin
Re: Thanks For The Post Leonidas! grin
My only owls ....
Re: My only owls ....
I love owls too and collect owl chips
Re: I love owls too and collect owl chips
rofl All you have to do is ask for it...

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