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The Chip Board Archive 09

ccgtcc Update on BF Table ccgtcc

Thanks to everyone who's hard work in securing casino donations is paying off! Don't forget, the first 50 people who stop by the BF table with a donation will get a free gift... a gift that was put together through the hard work of the O'Neals and Karli's - with donations secured from a number of collectors that were willing to help. Things have been donated like vintage matches, mardi gras beads, slot cards, keychains, chips, roulettes, playing cards... a lot of work and effort went into these, including CHOCOLATE CHIPS (yes - they are ediable) donated by our girl Deb Meister grin

Please keep working on your local casinos for donations of merchandise... these items will be raffled and auctioned off Saturday night at our Building Fund Fundraiser - by the Club's own auctioneer, "Tornado Alley Jim Kruse" (who is fine and well in Kansas thankfully grin

If you have any questions, please contact me (except my big move is this weekend... and I'm already into "overwhelmed mode" so be patient) or Jim Kruse.

Thanks everyone and only a month until the Big Show!! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg