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The Chip Board Archive 09

Building Fund -- Slot Card Auction Update

We broke the 1,000 card mark yesterday with a massive donation by Paul Donohue!
Paul sent 327 cards--with NO duplicates. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
This project has already surpassed my modest expectations....then again, I should have known better. grin This club is FULL of very generous people.
To view the updated list, click on the link below. Then click on the link for the Slot Card/Building Fund Pages.
I know that pages 9 & 10 are missing. I will fill in those pages with future receipts. Paul kindly send a disk along with his donation. He had already listed all of his cards. vbg vbg vbg What a guy!!!! Thanks again Paul!!!!!!

Counting the days until June 24th,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg