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The Chip Board Archive 09

Pre Convention Slot card sale

Slot cards have become a most popular ancilary to chip collectors. They are fairly easy to obtain and mostly for a very inexpensive price.

In General, they are much prettier than most any chip and in some cases can be costly (depending upon the rarity and availablility) just as for any collectible.

If you have any thoughts of indulging yourself in this collectible item and joining over 100 other participants, let me give you an incentive.

For $10.00 (including postage) I will send you 20 cards from all over the country.

For $20.00 (including postage) I will send you 50 cards from all over the county.

And for you more serious collectors, I have quite a few blank cards which I will sell for $2.00 each if you purchase in quantities of at least 10 or more.

Each of these three packages will include obsolete as well as current cards, all different, but all of my choice.

Need trader cards? I will sell you duplicate cards for $0.20 cents each in quantities of 50 or more (not all the same of course.)

Please respond by email if intereted.

Messages In This Thread

Pre Convention Slot card sale
Re: Pre Convention Slot card sale
Re: Room Key sales

Copyright 2022 David Spragg