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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: wanted A few people with some spare time

Archie wrote.......

"The only observation I have is that it is interesting to see who has NOT donated ANY cards"

Don't forget Archie that Wayne still has to list cards that have been sent to him. I'm not on the list yet & I mailed out cards to Wayne 10 days ago. I'm sure others have also. Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

wanted A few people with some spare time
Re: wanted A few people with some spare time
Re: wanted A few people with some spare time
Re: wanted A few people with some spare time
Re: wanted A few people with some spare time
Jim, Here is a link to the original post/thread
Re: wanted A few people with some spare time
And I called him the other day...
Re: And I called him the other day...
Hey - that's a nice card....
Donors Who are Not Yet Listed.......
You Will Be...

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