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The Chip Board Archive 08

ccgtcc Building Fund $1 Chip Auction Update

I have updated the $1 Chip Building Fund Auction fundraiser website to show all of the chips that members have said that they would send and which ones I have received to date. Please take a look at the website and see if you have any chips that are not on the list that you would not mind donating to this great cause.

Let's try to get a complete set of current Las Vegas chips. There are still many current chips from Las Vegas that have not been donated.

Please send all donations to:

Luke Rapley
2620 betty Drive
Buford, GA 30519

41 members have donated a total of 237 chips thus far. There are 198 different $1 chips currently. There are 7 chips that are not $1 chips and 22 duplicate chips. My goal is to reach at least 300 different $1 chips. If you have any spare chips, please consider sending them along. I will take any and all chips. Every little bit helps.

If you did not read the original post about this fundaraiser, here is the link to the first message.

Thank you to all who have donated thus far. With everyones help, we can all make this project a huge success.

Keep the chips coming,
Luke R-3867

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Building Fund $1 Chip Auction Update
Luke, link is outdated....
Link to original post that works...
Re: ccgtcc Building Fund $1 Chip Auction Update

Copyright 2022 David Spragg