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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Or maybe they don't have them????


We all know the Supreme Court elected him President but he is doing a good job over in Iraq. WMD's will be found over there sooner or later when we interview the scientist, if they are still alive.

Maybe when the war is over we can all chip in and buy you a round trip ticket to Iraq and you can interview them and find out if they are glad we liberated them. Hopefully you won't get blown up by a terrorist that doesn't exist.

"Stormin" Norman

Messages In This Thread

Why we can't find those weapons of mass distructio
Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
I'd Like to Contrubute to that Fund!
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Well, Pete, there's one we can ...
Re: Well, Pete, there's one we can ...
Paul, I thought we agreed we weren't ...
When was the last time....
Bob, that question warrants a more ...
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Good One Rich...
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Or maybe they don't have them????
Re: Why we can't find those weapons of mas NCR
Re: Why we can't find those weapons of mas NCR

Copyright 2022 David Spragg