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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Point to ponder.....
In Response To: Re: Point to ponder..... ()

... why does the United States need ME to go to the store, buy it, and ship it??

With many BILLIONS of dollars going to this effort can't the government spring for some Handy-Wipes and Q-tips? If they had forgotten to bring BULLETS would they be asking ME to go to Wal-Mart to pick-up a few boxes of ammo for them? vbg I think not, I think they would get it over there POST HASTE and not rely on me to send it.

I think this is an effort to make the public feel like they are contributing to the war effort. Sure I believe that the soldiers could use some additional toiletries, BUT I ain't buying the notion that the military can't supply it MUCH better and faster than ME, and the Handy-Wipe company and the Q-Tip Company can't load airplanes FULL of THEIR product at a cheaper price than me going to Wal-Mart buying a box-at-a-time, take it to a collection point etc., etc. After all how did those millions of other items get there?? (hint: It wasn’t me and you taking those tanks and helicopters over there) vbg rofl

Bear in mind I have NO qualms whatsoever about contributing to the war effort, or the soldier's creature comforts but not just so I can feel better. At least not yet.

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Point to ponder.....
Re: Point to ponder.....
Re: Point to ponder.....

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