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The Chip Board Archive 08

So, You Got the Harrah's Coffee Cup? HUH? vbg
In Response To: grin I LOVE MIKE POOLE grin ()

... I thought about you when I saw the Harrah's coffee cups and really didn't think you had one from "Lake Charles" so I got it as a surprise. Got one for Gail and me too. Gail won't be mad, she helped me find the box to send to you in. She knows your a Harrah's NUT. Hope you saved all the bubble mailers I cushioned it with! vbg I knew you were out. Glad you liked the surprise.

Anyway, You know what your mother says when in Acapulco..... if it looks like a duck.... watch where you step as a point of reference.... or something like that! (Private joke) ONLY Jill can figure that one out! haha HUH?

vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl vbg rofl

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So, You Got the Harrah's Coffee Cup? HUH? vbg

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