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The Chip Board Archive 08

Banquet question?

If I reserve a table, can I add people later?

Also - am looking for people who are attending banquet and want to sit at a reserved table.
It's me-n-Murph-n-Brian Wegner-n-William somebody (haven't met him, but he's a club member) so far (that's 4) - but if we CAN'T add people later, am feeling kind of "stuck" sad

I am sorry, but this is a "I'm-too-poor-but-would-love-to-have-ya... the-Cheap-Hostess-buy-your-own-dinner" arrangement vbg ,
but here's the deal if you aren't familar with reserved seating.
One person (like me) pays for a table of 10 (10 tickets @ $250). I give Wayne your names and your ticket is paid for. Once the table is secured (your ticket paid and noted), I'll let you know and at that time, you can (should? must? PLEASE?) reimburse me. rofl

In case this is your first time attending the banquet, I wish to point out that whether you are at joining a reserved table or going solo, banquet tickets are issued in the same manner - you will be given your ticket when you register. I wanted to make sure people know that if you join a table, you won't have to hunt someone down to get your ticket... your ticket(s) will be given directly to you. grin

Benefits of joining a reserved table:

The reserved tables are up front - which means you're closer to speaker, awards ceremony and most important, WE USUALLY GET TO EAT FIRST vbg

You will have a place to sit without hunting or asking or milling around... and as a bonus - if you suffer from a fear of rejection complex vbg you won't have to hear, "Sorry - this seat is taken." sad

If I can't fill a table, then Murph-n-me-n-Wags-n-Bill (party of 4) are looking to join a table...we are all anxious to get registered, but are stalling because we don't want to register individually if we can't change our seating arrangements later sad

Email me if you will join us... or if you have room for 4 to join you (and we expect to pay for our own tickets) grin

Messages In This Thread

Banquet question?
Hey Jill, If my wife and I are already registered
Re: Hey Jill, If my wife and I are already registe
Re: Hey Jill, If my wife and I are already registe
Right now.... I have 8 or 9 (Terry? wife going?)
Jill, I've also emailed Wayne.....
TABLE OF 10 - FULL grin
Since you are already "full" does this mean.....
NO WAY - in fact...
Re: Banquet question?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg