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The Chip Board Archive 08

Ed's comment reminds me...

of a conversation I had with a professor when I was in college. vbg
I asked him: "WHY do I have to take humanities?" sad
His answer: "So you can hold your own a cocktail party." rofl

Ed's comment about Don was:
Is there anything you don't have a working knowledge about?

Wow! What a nice compliment to Don!! grin
and without a doubt, well deserved! grin
I am grateful Don has a gift of willingness...
he investigates, absorbs, remembers and shares an amazing amount of information to all of us...
and I'd be willing to bet - he does QUITE well at cocktail parties vbg

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Proof Tokens eBay 24 hours left
Re: Proof Tokens eBay 24 hours left
Re: Proof Tokens eBay 24 hours left
Ed's comment reminds me...

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