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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Question regarding convention rooms

Our convention hotel room occupancy rate each year is just one of the measurements that affects the meeting space charged when booking future convention facilities for follow-up years.

The club has had a great deal going with Tropicana these past couple of years because of our past track record of room occupancy, plus the guaranteed amount of money the club spends with catering... such as the banquet and other food & beverage functions. These factors help whomever is negotiating on behalf of the club with other hotel properties for future convention sites. If we don't occupy X amount of rooms, other hotels won't want our business. That is why it is so important for club members to stay at the host hotel whenever possible and use the hotel reservation card with the club's code on it for tracking purposes.

Messages In This Thread

Question regarding convention rooms
Re: Question regarding convention rooms
What's Chateau Mancini charge per night?? rofl
Re: What's Chateau Mancini charge per night?? *rof

Copyright 2022 David Spragg