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The Chip Board Archive 08

HR London has been doing this for a while

The London HR has been sending out the free 6 drinks ticket for a while. It is aimed at those who have signed for membership but have never returned.

It has really pi@#ed me off because 4 of my frineds, who I took there and then made sign up, have received the free drinks but I haven't received diddly.

Hard Rock would benefit from adopting a referal scheme for new members. I would join everyone and anyone up if a I knew I would get a free drink per referal.

Comps, as in gifts of gratitude to players, have been going on for ages. When I go to the Colony Club or Crockfords, it is in either a Rolls Royce or Bently (provided by casino), I eat a 4 course meal at one of Londond's finest dining rooms, for free (no one pays, just leave a tip) and then get one of the above car back. All these are comps (are they not?), just not on the whole US paper level. NOTE: I am not the gambler when I go to either of the above casinos, I merely accompany that person.

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Re: The Start of Comps in the UK?
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Re: The Start of Comps in the UK?
HR London has been doing this for a while
Re: HR London has been doing this for a while
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Re: I need new friends...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg