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The Chip Board Archive 08

Never Again

It is with great reluctance that I make a post like this one. It is not my nature to be negative. But, hopefully, others can learn from my experience.

Never again will I run a round robin like I just did. The round robin was for obsolete chips from Nevada. It was called the TCR Round Robin, because the rule was to replace chips with a similar TCR valued chip. I also asked that no chips be put in the round robin if they were worn or damaged or in any other way not collectible.

Well I got back current chips, common chips in poor condition, chips that were damaged or very worn, and someone even replaced chips in the round robin with the same chip in worse condition from their collections. I feel that I have been violated. I have been stolen from. If I was face to face trading with these individuals, why would they ever think that I would take their junk? I will not name anyone, I have enough problems as it is. I've given the individuals the opportunity to make this right. If they do, then that is it. If not, then I will persue this further.

Most participants in the round robin were excellent and I thank them for their participation and for the extra chips that they put in. But I had to deal with 3 of 9 participations who were trying to take advantage of me. So you know what, everyone loses. I will not do this again. I should have learned from Michael Knapp's TCR round robin last year.

See some of these dogs for yourself. Note that some of these chips have been very harshly cleaned and have unnatural coloring that does not show up very well in the scans.

Messages In This Thread

Never Again
One chip I forgot
Whoever put that chip ...
Re: One chip I forgot
Re: One chip I forgot
Why I will not name names
Charles was handling this on his own...
Terry, thanks.
Good. Bury it. Post's erased
Re: Why I will not name names
A Better Idea
How about SRRR ? vbg Seriously!
SCAN BOTH SIDES to be Safe !!!
Re: Why I will not name names
Rich, I was in and I DO take exception..
Mike, thanks.
I was in and I DO take exception..
Re: Never Again

Copyright 2022 David Spragg