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The Chip Board Archive 08

Count the staples

There should be only one staple in a matchbook, Jim. Kind of looks like this is one of the 'reconstructed' matchbooks that we're starting to see on the market. A shiny staple or one that is too large is another clue to a cover that has been mated to matches to bring a higher price for the dealer. With feature matches, this kind of work can also create combinations of covers and matches that were never made by the match-maker.

Messages In This Thread

Well, I ran into some 229 matchbook covers today.
Re: NICE find!! grin
Thanks Pam, I like this Harold's Club, except for
Re: Jim, do NOT...
Jill, may have this one, but....
Re:we've got it WITH matches! na-na-na-na-na vbg
With a few exceptions, all were covers....
Re: I THINK that one should be a ....
You're right, Pam...
Of the very few match books, that was....
Count the staples
Don, I noticed the double-staple....
Re: Don, I noticed the double-staple....
And the answer is......
Here is another version.........
Re: Well, I ran into some 229 matchbook covers tod
Thanks Terry, here's another....
Nice covers, Jim!!!...
Sure thing Jay, TCR shows this place is still open
Definitely no front strikers lying around...
But would you try it on? vbg
Only if...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg