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The Chip Board Archive 08

Interesting find from not too long ago #3

About two years ago I was in a store in Reno looking for chips with my sister. While I was in the store I overheard Bud Meter talking with someone, and I went over to say hello. Bud asked if I had seen the ladies chips up front, and I said no. So I walked up to the counter and asked what the lady had for sale. She said that she had two chips that she could not find in the book, additionally, she had two $5 Cal Neva Biltmore chips for $500 each. The two unidentifiable chips were a matching pair of the 1932 Reno commemorative crest and seal chips! I asked the lady what she wanted for them, and she said that she did not know. I offered her $100 each, and she said that she would have to think about it. Then I took them over to Bud, and he could not believe what I had found. I told him that we had a problem, willing buyers, with an unwilling seller. Between us, we had $1,200 which we agreed that we would offer for the four chips. Bud and I went to the counter and asked if she would take $1,200 for the four chips. She thought for a long while, and asked the other clerk what she should do. After a momen, the other dealer told her that $1,200 was a lot of money for four "pieces of clay", and that she might not have this chance again. She reluctantly agreed, and we walked out the door with our new find.

When Bud and I hit the parking lot, we both had big smiles, as we knew that we had made one of our best finds ever! It's ironic that she could not find the chips in her chip rack, as they are the first listing in the book!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg