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The Chip Board Archive 08

Building Fund-Important

Happy New Year to all! In the last few days I have received 3 emails from newer members with questions about our building project. As we welcome new people to our club and hobby I think it is important that we keep them, and everyone for that matter, updated on the project. In April it will be one year that we officially started raising funds for a permanant home for the club. Through some very hard work by so many of our members and friends we are rappidly approaching the $20,000 mark! Not bad for less than one year. We have an initial goal of $50,000, once this is achieved the board will appoint another committee to explore all of our options. We have also met with the Mayor of Las Vegas and his people in an attempt to develope something a lot faster than we ever thought. These meetings have been very productive and will continue as the cities project becomes a reality. We will keep the membership informed as things move foward. At this time, this is just one of several ideas that exist in very early stages. President Pincus and I are also working on getting some involvement from the gaming industry, both financially, and simply to let them know what we are and why we exist. Someone posted that this is a dream, that's correct. But let me assure anyone reading this post, that it is a dream that we will make come true. We have a membership that is very intellegent, very hard working, very diverse, and very commited. We will have a place we can be proud of, a place that belongs to the membership, and probaly most important a place were future members will be able to honor the memories of all of the great members and collectors that started and built this great hobby and club. Jim

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Building Fund-Important
Thank You For The Update Jim!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg