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The Chip Board Archive 08

Jackpot Some NICE chips - CHEAP! Not MY auctions Jackpot

I can't resist the urge to encourage anyone who hasn't been into Jackpot lately, to take a peek.
Dan has piles of less common / obsolete and out of the mainstream $1's and $5's... (not LE'S! Normal racks! grin )
Of course, there's LE's too... some snappers... and WHOLE buncha slot cards!

Now... let it be known... these aren't MY auctions. But I DID pick up 3 nice old Nevada $5's last night... and for GOOD grin HAPPY grin prices vbg !
Ok... I'm done and I'll shut up... vbg

But seriously... might be worth a peek for some of you. LINK:

Copyright 2022 David Spragg