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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: OK Goertler. I am hooked sad
In Response To: OK Goertler. I am hooked sad ()

You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it! vbg

vbg o.k....I like contests (as long as they don't involve football sad ), so what's the prize? vbg I'll enter it as soon as you post the official rules! rofl rofl (Best way to stop wanting more, is to GET more! vbg )

sad I tried to use fudge to bribe Andy for a few hints on the upcoming Nevadachips Holiday contest. sad Didn't work. sad

Just made 5 more pounds...this time I made coconut, and some plain chocolate. And I'm NOT eating it! sad (Second best way to not want more is to not eat any! sad )

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OK Goertler. I am hooked sad
Re: OK Goertler. I am hooked sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg