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The Chip Board Archive 08

for trade $5 LCV & $25 H&C - Dubuque Casino Belle

I don't collect $25's or Iowa...
except Catfish Bend 'cause they are cool!!
so if anyone wants these - sell or trade~ email me. grin

By the way...know how I got these???
I saw a scan and "Casino Belle"...
and thought "Cool! Laughlin!!"
Got them home and spent 10 minutes trying
to find the $25 in the Chip Rack vbg

Anyway... since then I have had a refresher course in reading and geography, so I should be able to process your Emails if anyone is interested grin

Messages In This Thread

for trade $5 LCV & $25 H&C - Dubuque Casino Belle

Copyright 2022 David Spragg