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The Chip Board Archive 08

grin Jill is a SICK PUPPY CONTEST grin

Wyatt is gone
The dog is sleeping
The house is clean, vacuumed and Pledged
It's raining so I can't wash the Jeep and
I've already eaten two turkey sandwiches...

What this means is I AM BORED sad sad sad

Contest is:
First person to find the post where Gene calls me a sick puppy (although that is not the "EXACT" wording since that'd be too easy! vbg but it's close!) gets these 8 obsolete Harrah's Marina Paulson roulettes

YOU MUST POST "WHICH ARCHIVE" this is archived in (1-8) and A WORKING LINK TO GENE'S ACTUAL POST calling me such! rofl

Hope someone gets this quickly 'cause I'm going shopping!

Messages In This Thread

grin Jill is a SICK PUPPY CONTEST grin
Re: grin Jill is a SICK PUPPY CONTEST grin
DING DING DING!! We have a winner!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg