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The Chip Board Archive 07

HELP! What is this? JB please look!

Picked this up at the coin show today. I do my walk arounds to all the different booths asking is anyone has and chips, etc. Of course, most coin people dont understand what "we" see in those chip things. And alot ask me questions about stuff they have in there displays. (which is a whole other story) I came across a lady who was strickly coins but showed me this. Said she bought it at an estate sale and doesnt know anything about it. In looking at it closely it has some type of hard round smooth outside like a ceramic (guess) and on the inside it is filled with a piece of ivory. Carved on the ivory top appears to be a Chinese letter/character. Any info or guesses would be appreciated. grin

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HELP! What is this? JB please look!
Re: HELP! What is this? JB please look!
Thank you Allan, any idea how old?
Probably 1890-1920
Great find, Ed.

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