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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: You saved me some work ...
In Response To: You saved me some work ... ()


I think you and are on the same plane here. I avoided bringing the American flag (a symbol of oppression for many decades to many many people, and a symbol of freedom to others) because I was seeking to take the argument off of the emotional level -- and I think the use of "Old Glory" (particularly after 9/11) would have done the opposite.

Your points are well-taken, and I thank you for them.

To me, it boils down to an individual's ability to see beyond the evil to the good. When I look at a Swastika, I have a hard time looking beyond the evil that was committed under that flag. When I see the "stars & bars" I have no problem accepting some honor in confedarate soldiers, but can't see past the evil of the KKK and others who co-opted it. But I know that some can see past both of those things.

Similarly, when I see the American flag, I know of the evil perpetuated under it for years, but I respect the Constitution, that gives you and I the right to have this discussion. So I still hold it dear to my heart. My point, as always, is that we all take what we take from various symbols, and can't expect others to be in the same place as us.



Messages In This Thread

Beyond the Swastika-
and back to CHIPS sad
You saved me some work ...
Re: You saved me some work ...

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