The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: Scott's board has some great ideas,,,

Thanks Jill -

I never asked people to change, especially from this board! My board is geared more to the slot collectors, and I have a couple extra forums since many slot collectors still trade chips, tokens, etc.

I just saw the opportunity of offering many more features (private messaging, verified email addresses, etc.) to those who wanted it. Never was it my intention to lure people away from Greg's (or Mike's) boards. I personally dislike this type of board (where all messages are in one long list and you have to scroll through them all to find what interests you), but that's my opinion only. (well, and of a few others that have messaged me privately about how they like the layout). But I do realize that many DO like this type of board (or just don't want to learn a new 'fancy' thing), and that's o.k. too!

I would like to think that there is plenty of room for different types of boards (look at other collectables - there are 100's for hotwheel-type cars alone)! If not...I guess I'll just be posting to myself! (that's o.k. too!)

Messages In This Thread

Another Board...I Think Not!
Re: Ditto!
Re: Ditto!
I'm staying put
Re:Why change?
Re:Why change?Use Both!
Re:Why change?
Scott's board has some great ideas,,,
Re: Scott's board has some great ideas,,,

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