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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: OK, so these are used in Pan. Can someone expl

They are "plucking" pencils. Usually used by "little old ladies" and "short armed old farts" who can't reach the deck from their seat because they're sitting so far away from the table, or because they have to reach around their tall stacks of chips. (Please don't reply, the comments are just in fun... but the plucking pencils are used to reach the deck).

Messages In This Thread

OK, so these are used in Pan. Can someone explain
Re: OK, so these are used in Pan. Can someone expl
Re: OK, so these are used in Pan. Can someone expl
Sunday, seems you've played before....
Re: Sunday, seems you've played before....
Re: OK, so these are used in Pan. Can someone expl
California Plucking Pencil Traders

Copyright 2022 David Spragg