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The Chip Board Archive 07

Ok, I'll bite! Nevada TCR RR!

I've never done one of these, but I've participated in a few, and there's gotta be a first time, right?

Here's what I'll do. I'll limit the RR to the first 10 e-mails I receive, because more than that is unmanageable. All chips will be from Nevada, and all will be marked with TCR9 values. Each participant will be expected to replace any chip taken, with a Nevada chip of the same TCR9 value and condition.

I'll begin the RR with both current and obsolete chips, regular issues as well as LEs and roulettes.

Fair enough? If you have other suggestions, let me know and I'll announce the final rules to the members of the RR.

Should be fun!


Messages In This Thread

Isnt it time we started a chip RR Okay we need..
Sounds Like...
Re: Terry...Count Me In ! vbg
Oh're the one with...
Re: Oh're the one with...
Ok, I'll bite! Nevada TCR RR!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg