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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..

Normally when it comes to candidacies, I will not endorse or otherwise talk up a candidate until at least I know whom all of the candidates will be. In this case, though, I will make an exception and say unequivocally that Mike Quinlivan has my vote regardless of his opposition. I’ve known Mike for a couple of years now and in our conversations he has shown me that he is a man of the highest moral fiber, a man of character, and he seems pretty damn good with numbers, too. I have no doubt that he will be an excellent choice as Treasurer of the club.

Additionally, he has taken an unambiguous stand on a major issue (slabbing), which is the first such declaration I’ve seen so far. I believe that all of the candidates who decide to run should not deal in vague or “fuzzy” statements in an attempt to avoid alienating any of the voting club members. This is how “surprises” happen. Centrism may be the politically expedient method of campaigning, but it’s not what I (and I believe most members of the Club) want to hear. I think if you ask Mike where he stands on an issue, you’ll get a clear, cogent answer. In the interest of avoiding history repeating itself, it’s time we demand this of all candidates.

*** VOTE MIKE ***

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Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
I want to point out that..........
Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
More good news for the Club!
Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
Re: Candidacy #2, but not for Secretary……..
No more late nights for you....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg