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The Chip Board Archive 07

Great Convention!

I've finally gotten enough sleep to be able to function and wanted to express my sincere thanks to the entire group of convention volunteers.

Jim and Sandi, how can any of us repay you for picking up where Liz and George left off? You did good! George and Liz obviously set the wheels in motion and did a terrific job and having two such capable persons to keep them going is truly a blessing to the Club.

To the other volunteers - GREAT CONVENTION! Your hard work and dedication to the Club showed in every detail. Thank you all for making this year's show a great one!

There's nothing like a week or so in Las Vegas. Seeing old friends, running all over town gathering chips, slot cards and assorted goodies (bungee cords anyone?)then spending three days looking at chips that I can never afford but can fantasize about owning and finding odd things to bring back to my own collection. Who could ask for more?

See you all again next June!


Pictured are the Ex Convention Chairmen at the 1st Annual EFRIHHE Convention Chairman's Black Tie Gala. Wayne Thompson, myself, Mike Skelton, Ann Skelton, Brenda Black and Archie Black.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg