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The Chip Board Archive 06

New Slot Card Donors + CASINORAMA

YES, I will be at Jim Munding's CASINORAMA at the Masonic Hall in Arcadia, California on March 23rd. I will be at Doug Saito's table collecting cards for this auction. Please bring in a batch of yours and tell all your friends to bring some also. With everyones help we will make 1,000 cards for this SENSATIONAL auction. Current total is 374 Cards.

New card donors:

0008---Janice O'Neal... 10 cards
0031---Walter Dirzulaitis... 13 cards
0088---Jerry 0'Neal
3110---Ron Leis
3121---Lois Tessmer
3923---Mark Bufton
4585---Helen-Sue Davis
4182---Peter Sanders
4338A--Mary Ann Harouff
4943---Jill Bitner

Donors adding cards

2192---Gene Trimble 2 more
2878---Robert Reno 3 more
2995---Albert Scalzo 3 more
4338---Skip Harouff 8 more
4950---Ross Popple... 2 cards donated by Jill Bitner

Please check out the total donor list, with pictures on the link below.
Slot Card Fund Raiser Ad

You must be a member of the CC+GTCC.

All I ask is one card from each member. You may donate as many slot cards as you want with your name on it and they will be included in this auction lot. The goal is to auction off the largest collection of slot cards with members names on them. I hope to reach 1,000 cards.

This is a fund raiser for the CC+GTCC. This entire collection will be auctioned off as one lot in the Annual Club Auction at this years Convention at the TROPICANA in Las Vegas.

All money will go to the club.

When you donate a card with your name on it, please include your club number.

Think about donating a great card and also about being the winning bidder. Tell a friend. I am #CH-044 in the CC+GTCC.

Send your card to:

Steve Passalacqua
PO Box 10172
Napa, CA 94581

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New Slot Card Donors + CASINORAMA
Re: New Slot Card Donors + CASINORAMA

Copyright 2022 David Spragg