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The Chip Board Archive 06

My three and a half cents on this issue....

First off Paul let me point out that retaliation may seem like a good idea at the time that you suggest it but I personally feel that in this type of situation that boycotts and sending angry letters or whatever is really not a good solution to the problem and that some diplomacy and decor would be in order so I would like to make the following suggestion to maybe help resolve this issue.

Would it be at all possible for the CC and GTCC to appoint two members from their board and two members from the general CC and GTCC membership to host a private joint meeting with representatives from the Las Vegas casinos who oversee the casino chip programs at their respective properties to express the concerns of the membership of the CC and GTCC that instituting a limitation on how many chips can be purchased during a new collectible or limited edition casino chip by a collector or the general public is unacceptable in many ways because.... (Insert reasons here) and also that they may want to reconsider the amount of chips that are produced because.... (Again insert reasons here).

It has been my experience that casinos (not all of them mind you) are very open to receiving suggestions and concerns by their patrons and I think it would be very productive to let the casinos know that many of the loyal chip collectors have serious concerns about the way their chip program are currently being run and that they (members from the CC and GTCC) would like to make suggestions to the casinos to maybe help improve the way the program is run. I also believe that if the meeting is done under closed doors that there is less of a chance of confrontations by angry chip collectors and chip dealers which may just exacerbate the situation beyond being salvaged that we could convince the casinos to change their ways.

== Rick ==

Messages In This Thread

I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it's about time ....
Re: I believe it's about time ....
Re: I believe it's about time ....
Re: I believe it's about time ....
My three and a half cents on this issue....
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe it about time we united...
Re: I believe....
Re: I believe it about time we united...

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