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The Chip Board Archive 06

Re: Is This Ashtray Listed????
In Response To: Is This Ashtray Listed???? ()

Hi Mike,
While that 'tray isn't listed, there is one from the Flamingo, same type, that is in the book. It lists for $15 - $20...However...the book prices are very out of date! We have the Flamingo one, paid about $40 for it, and we think we got a good deal.

There's more in that "series"....I once saw 4 different ones for sale. I believe they were priced around $200 each. They did eventually sell, but I don't know how much they went for.

Let me know if you're interested in selling it.

Happy chippin!
Pam grin

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Is This Ashtray Listed????
Re: Is This Ashtray Listed????
Re: Is This Ashtray Listed????

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