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The Chip Board Archive 06

Not Weird but Wired

Thanks all you cool cats out there. I really feel great now knowing what a great bunch of fellow collectors there are in our weird (oops, cancel that and substitute neat)

I now look forward with great avidity to posting more weird (make that interesting) messages on the Board and to reading the weird (I mean informative) messages you guys and gals post.

Special message for Kent: Here is what I should have said to your first response:

1. Mz Fickle? She can't be fickle; she's been married to me for 42 years and if that isn't constancy in the face of adversity, I don't know what is.

2. Change the rules of the game? Sure we changed the rules. How else could we win.

Anyway, bless you all. As the Lord wills, we will see you in June.

lee & mz fickle (really kathy)

Messages In This Thread

Not Weird but Wired
I stand corrected.......
Re: Not Weird but Wired

Copyright 2022 David Spragg