The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 06

The Collection Project; latest graphic.

Thank you John Yee and Gary Oryniak! Over the weekend (at Rene's Show) John and Gary made separate donations to the Collection Project. John has kindly donated the Harrah's Lake Tahoe (CHIPCO) sailboat!

Gary has donated the Easy Street Casino $1 token! Thank you to the both of them. We are now just 3 TOTY's shy of the complete set of past COTY, TOTY and SSOTY winners.

We recognize that making donations of two of the three remaining TOTY winners will be a very tough decision, but we remain confident that there are members out there that will chose to support the Club in this endeavor.

Although we have been offered cash donations, to utilize in purchasing the two higher-end items, we have been reluctant to do so (at this time) beacuse we strongly believe that there are members who are more than willing to make these donations, once they hear of our request. And we have been rather contained in getting the word out.

Which of course is something that everyone can help change. Next chance you get, please bring this Project to the attention of members who are not on-line, or who may have missed these postings. Every little bit helps.

Although I am not a tax person, I understand that donations to the Club (a non-profit organization) can be written off. Perhaps a tax knowledgable member can address this for us, as I would like the current list of donors to be made aware of their current posture regarding the donations they have already made.

Again, our thanks to John and Gary, and to everyone else that have made a donation to this Project (even the people that have been turned away beacuse of duplicate entries!).

Archie and Jim

Copyright 2022 David Spragg