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The Chip Board Archive 05

In Response To: Re: ()

Hi John, (and anyone else having the same trouble you are)

Click "Start" in the tool bar in the lower left hand part of your Windows screen. Click "Programs" in that menu. Click "Accessories" in that menu. Click "System Tools" in that menu. Click "Character Map" in that menu. That opens the character map box. You can choose different character maps, but the cent sign in this post is from the "system" font character map. Double click on the cent sign in the character map. That will put it into "Characters to copy" space. Highlight the cent sign in the "Characters to copy" space by moving your mouse over the cent sign while holding down the left mouse click. Hold down the "control" key on your keyboard and hit the letter "c". Now you can put the cent sign anywhere you want it by holding down the "control" key and hitting the "v" key. It will stay in "control + v" until you turn off your computer, or use "control + c" for something else.

These are pretty rudimentary instructions for using Windows and hidden keystroke commands, but they should get you what you want.

As to the other suggestions that have been posted here, I can't get any of them to work either. I suspect there must need to be some other software programs in place on your machine for them to function as described.

Hope this helps!

Bob grin

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Cents Sign
Re: Cents Sign
Try your hand at it....
Re: Try your hand at it....
Re: Try your hand at it....

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