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The Chip Board Archive 05

Trip Report.....

I had a whirl-wind Vegas visit this weekend! I arrived in town Saturday morning at 10:00. My wife and I had breakfast at Palace Station and then she played (slots) while I played (at the show). I had more fun than she did, vbg and she spent more than I did! sad

Jim Noll, sorry, but by the time I walked in you had already left. vbg I had no less than four people tell me you were looking for me. I should have cut back by at least one cup of coffee.

I also did not see Steve Z! I can't believe it. He even had a dealer table. It just goes to show you, if you are going to do the shows, do both days! Sorry Steve.

Well, I did see Munding, Saito, Jung, Cutler, Deems, Skip, Yee, Rene, Mades, Lauderman, Lauber, Hermans, and several others! I made purchases, I made trades, I begged and I even made a "bill me for it" acquisition. I got some really nice stuff, and even took some more orders for Casino del Sol/Casino of the Sun chips.

All-in-all, I had a very nice time. The only scans that I am showing is what I acquired Saturday night, from the Orleans when Scott and Estelle (the Hartman's) joined Pam and I for the Bobby Rydell and Frankie Avalon concert. It was a gas, man!

Regards, Jim

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Trip Report.....
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