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The Chip Board Archive 05

Yes she has.....

Back then she hit a jackpot on a nickel machine for $50. It paid for the hotel, the meals and our losses! Now days $50 represents 10 plays on a $1 video poker slot machine sad . But then it also represents a $4,000.00 jackpot when a Royal pops up! vbg

But other than that, you are right, she hasn't changed a bit! vbg

Thanks, Jim

Messages In This Thread

If I knew then, what I know now....
Re: If I knew then, what I know now....
Lucky in Love, vbg un-lucky in cards! sad
Re: Lucky in Love, vbg un-lucky in cards! sad
How come I don't see any smileys?
Re: How come I don't see any smileys?
Re: How come I don't see any smileys?
I attended a wedding at ...
I too attended a wedding there not to long ago....
Yes she has.....
Re: No she has not.....
On the other hand, discourteous also works! vbg
Re: On the other hand ..... ,
If Jill could re-post the.....

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