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The Chip Board Archive 05

WHAT a story on ESPN! WOW!

Waynesburg, PA Basketball Coach Rudy Marisa had his son call from the WTC saying that a Plane had just hit the Tower. His other Son called a short time later to see how his Brother was & left a message & his number to be called back at the PENTAGON! As the Father was trying to get in touch with the Son at the Pentagon after he heard that a Plane had crashed into it he then heard about the Plane that crashed in PA about an hour away from him. He said at that moment he thought the World was coming to an end, at least his World. As it turned out he & his Sons were the lucky ones as they were not hurt.........Andy - Las Vegas

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WHAT a story on ESPN! WOW!
Re: WHAT a story on ESPN! WOW!

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