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We CAN All Help America on Monday!

I received this email and wanted to share it with others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Bush
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 12:56 PM
To: Corporate-Staff; Board
Subject: FW: We CAN all help America on MONDAY

Friends and Colleagues,
I received the email below from a business school friend, and I think it is
a great idea. While the war against terrorism will be a lengthy, difficult
and violent struggle, there is a first step of non violent defiance that we
can all take on Monday. Imagine what a great statement of strength and
confidence to the world it would be if on Monday when the markets
Americans could drive the market up, even if it is only a little bit.
Please read this and join me on Monday buying some stock in an American company.

All the Best,

"No doubt you have heard dire predictions about the financial devastation
that will occur when the US stock market re-opens. This will be a second
devastating attack on America if we allow it to happen.

We DON'T have to allow it to happen. Here's what YOU can do to help
prevent it... When the markets re-open, in a show of support and
solidarity, BUY at least one share of
stock in a U.S. company.

Open your minds to imagine what a SLAP in the face of terrorism it would
be if the American markets actually RISE instead of PLUNGE when they
re-open! Can you think of a STRONGER message we could send to those who would
seek to destroy our way of life?

This e-mail is not sponsored by any business or government concern, so if you also have a
suggestion for people without stock accounts, please add that information
before you forward this e-mail.

If we all participate in a massive stock selloff, then we are BOWING
to terrorism. We do NOT have to do that. We have a choice.

People by the hundreds of thousands are lining up to donate one pint
of blood. Think of the effect we can have if we line up in the same way
to contribute to the American economy!

For very little money you can DO something to show would-be terrorists
that they will NOT win.


Take part in this revolution and forward this email to everyone on your
mailing list. We can reverse the tide of the finanical carnage throughout the world just by doing that.

Do you want to show support for America? Then show support for American


Imagine the headlines we will read when we all make this happen...

"US Financial Victory -- Of the People, By the People, and For the People."

Messages In This Thread

We CAN All Help America on Monday!
Re: We CAN All Help America on Monday!
Re: We CAN All Help America on Monday!
I'LL BE BUYING !!!!!!!! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg