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The Chip Board Archive 05

mad Attention: BABE mad

Please forgive me for posting this without a name or email. I must respond to this moron. I don't want to use my name because I do not want any connections in public that will call unwanted attention to some coworkers that with me would like to keep our horrifying experience behind us. They like me are probably having enough difficulty at this time as our experience has been reawakened by the recent events. It is amazing how seeing someone suffer emotionally on TV can rekindle old thoughts and feelings. I know it has with me and I am sure it has with them.

Some years ago I witnessed a friend, die in our workplace. He was the victim of a workplace shooting. We were helpless in that we could just hide in fear for the gunman still being around. He was too badly wounded and we could only watch him die. That experience was horribly traumatic. The best therapy I experienced was getting on with my life. While many at work went back the next day and met with a counselor I stayed home with friends and family. I went train watching with a friend. We drove around and talked. It was a beutiful day and we just wandered. Watching the world continue on. I unloaded on him with all my feelings and he like a saint listened. I was not turning my back on the others. I just needed to go on in my own way. We all need our diversions. For some it is their chips. If that allows them to get on with their lives and cope with the horror they have witnessed then there is nothing wrong with that. I notice you are telling everyone here to go out and help. That is fine but why don't you practice what you preach. I have noticed that you have written 9(?) posts between 1:00 this afternoon and 7:30 tonight. Obviously your diversion from this abuse on our country is to sit on this board abusing the other participants. You even had the distaste to tell a man who is in the hospital that he is "Selfish to the end" and criticize him that he "can't pull himself away from this board...". You pitty his soul? I pitty yours. I am sitting here listening to FoxNews and just heard a quote that fits well here. Go Shopping... Keep your lives as normal as possible. (Or something like that) -Rudy Guliani. You are right in that we all should do what we can to help. Remember though that some of us here are THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY. We can't just go out, hail a cab and go out and help. Especially since there are no airplanes flying. You are lucky that you (or so you say) are in the NYC area and can go out and help. So why don't you do it instead of sitting here and rubbing in the hurt that people are feeling. It is no wonder that you are being equated with the terrorists that committed this atrocity.

I am too far away to go out and help in any direct way. I will say thought that I have a few routes to donate to organizations that are there providing very necessary services. I will do that. I also intend to do whatever I can with symbolism to show my support to those around me that are suffering. Those efforts do not require giving your every waking hour to help. What do you propose that we all do with the rest of our lives. Cower down in our homes and sit motionless in fear. That is what the Terrorists want us to do. They want our lives to stop. Our economy to crash. Our people to suffer. As I said We can show our support. Listen to a friend. Donate to a charity. We don't have to roll over and suspend our daily lives. Chipping does Continue.

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mad Attention: BABE mad
Re: mad Attention: BABE mad
Another Most Excellect Post,,, Well Said!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg