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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Variation on shaded elks
In Response To: Variation on shaded elks ()

Rich - I don't know if you have Dale's Workbook "Old Poker Chips." If so, you will see where Dale says:

"Between 1984 and 1996, Allan Myers graciously donated hundred of hours assigning new codes to all new chip finds. At one point in time, some of the expanded codes were given 'better' codes so that some chips had two identifying codes. Variations of some chips such as the Evening Star and Eagles had up to 10 codes. In the new system, those variations have been omitted and minor variations are given the same code. Many collectors have requested this simplification."

When the "1998 Supplement" was printed, it included 27-ivories found by me that were not in Dales new "Revised Edition" and some of those new finds had slight variations that I thought should be called to Dale's attention as being assigned a new code. Discussing this with Kenny (who also found several variations during the same period I did), he explained that some variations were too close to call. I fully agree, and now before I submit my new finds, I take it upon myself to decide which is "too close to call" before I send it it.


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Variation on shaded elks
Re: Variation on shaded elks
Re: Variation on shaded elks
Re: Variation on shaded elks

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