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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: I stand corrected
In Response To: Re: I stand corrected ()

There is something here that I don't quite understand. In post, Palace Station posted a correction to the limit regarding how many sets could be purchased per person per visit. As is mentioned in the above, linked, post the limit was 2 sets.

According to your accounting, we have 4 people cornering the market on a limited release by purchasing 44 of 50 sets leaving "other people who only bought 1 or 2 sets" to fight over the remaining 6 sets. In your specific case for you to get "14 sets", your accounting, you would have had to violate the intent of the limit by having 6 serrogates in line with you or you personnally stood in line 7 times to buy 14 sets. If these chips are SO HOT AND IN DEMAND, then why were there so few people standing in line and how could you get back to the front 7 times.

Assuming the best case scenario for you, There would have had to be no more than 10 people that wanted those chips. (1)You, (2)Zacchi (3)Josh (4)Cutler and 6 others who each bought 1 set. That does not indicate to me the enormous demand that would warrant $125 ea for these chips. Now, I suppose that you could have just capitalized on the fact that many in the chipping community decided that they would not patronize Palace Station for producing such a rediculously low edition and they deliberately stayed home. That then would be their fault. They had their chance and didn't take it. But, how could you count on the fact that, with notice of the sale being at least a day in advance on this board and I am sure elsewhere, there would not be a hundred people standing in line for the chip. I can't help but think that you were prepared to fight the line for your chips. You must have been prepared to use any tactics necessary to get your chips. After all, You are a Businessman. This is how you make your living. The others may have just capitalized on the circumstances. You even mentioned that you had to loan money to someone who didn't have enough money to buy all his chips. That would indicate to me that he either couldn't figure out how much money he needed to buy X number of $25 chips, or he was not prepared or expecting to get more chips and wasn't expecting such a low turn out.

It is not too hard to see why some people are suspicious and angry over these limited releases. You, for some reason are always in large supply of chips that no one else can get. You are selling them on eBay at rediculous prices. I do not know you so I don't know but it appears as though you may have connections with Palace Station. There is an appearance here. Before you come back at me with comments like jelous etc. I would like to say, I do not know you. I have no reason to be personal. I do not collect $25 chips, I am not a boxing fan, I have no interest in these chips and wouldn't buy them if they were under face. I am just a collector who is a bit offended in your attempts at justifying why you had to charge so much for your chips. The Holograms July 4th could have given you a fair profit at 25 or 30 bucks. These chips could be very profitable at 75. Yes, you have the right to charge what you want. Others have the right to not pay. But don't be surprised at the anger of others when they might want one of your chips for their collections but they can't get them because you have almost 30% of a release and you are charging prices that they can't or won't pay. Collecting is supposed to be fun but when the dealers that people depend on for their collectables start getting unreasonable in homage to the almighty buck, the fun drains out. You can't collect if you can't afford the collectable and you can't collect if when you go to get the chips you get to the counter to be told sold out. Then you find that someone purchased a disproportionate share for one reason. To sell at a 300 to 400 percent profit.

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Re: I stand corrected
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Re: The QUESTION Remains Where are the 100's

Copyright 2022 David Spragg