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The Chip Board Archive 05

In Response To: Everyone PLEASE Read... ()

In responding to your post of yesterday, I wound up taking some of the same heat, for which apologies have been extended. The crux of this matter, as you point out, is that it is very important to adjust the subject line of every post you make. It is too easy to misconstrue the intent of a post if read out of context, and with the recent rash of deleted posts, this can result not only in misunderstandings, but in hurt feelings as well.

Ironically, this piecemeal distruction of threads and the resultant confusion it has caused has been engineered, unwittingly, I am sure, by the utterly witless UP BOB. My suggestion would be to let this imbecile get his hits (let's face it, this kid's a train wreck and it's human nature to want to take a look), but let's not exacerbate the situation by posting responses.

Messages In This Thread

Everyone PLEASE Read...
thank's dave = you da man
Re: thank's dave = you da man
Well said, but...
Re: Well said, but...The GENERAL
Whew! I couldn't for the life of me...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg