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The Chip Board Archive 05

STRIKE LISTINGS Jackpot = 210 eBay = 204

In only 6 weeks, has caught up to the giant in Silver Strike Listings, ebay.
Ebay listing in that time for Silver Strikes are down 69% listings for Silver Strikes has increased 55% in the last 2 weeks alone!
When I put "strike" into the search,(titles and description) Jackpot has 210, while ebay has 204.
Here is the link for BOTH:
And at you might just win a nice chip or strike when you win an auction...because we have a DAILY JACKPOT...EACH and EVERY DAY!
I know we have a long way to go to catch up to GOLIATH on chips, but we are committed to winning your business...we have more sellers and buyers signing up everyday...and just wait until you see next months JACKPOT PROMOTIONS!
Thanks for your time & business,
Dan Mills and the entire Team

Copyright 2022 David Spragg